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The Supernatural Life Podcast with Chad Gonzales

Dec 27, 2021

About 700 years before the birth of Jesus, the prophet Isaiah prophesied that Immanuel would be a name of Jesus.  What does Immanuel mean?  It simply means God with us or God among us.  

Take part in this special bonus episode for Christmas with Chad Gonzales and learn more about what Immanuel truly means for...

Dec 1, 2021

There is power in our words, but it is not just words that we speak, but words that we believe!

In this episode of The Supernatural Life Podcast, Chad shares a portion of his recent trip to Kenya in which he interviewed former witchdoctors concerning disease, spiritual dominion and meditation.

Nov 2, 2021

In the psychological world, there is a mental disorder called a Dissociative Identity Disorder; this is when a person has at least two distinct identities.  In the medical and psychological world, they recognize that having more than one identity is a problem; however, in the church world, we are completely blind...

Oct 7, 2021

If you want to live, you must die!  Jesus said in Matthew 16:25, Whoever wants to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life will gain it."

If you need healing in your body, you must first die to the fear of death and secondly die to the ways of the world.  Friend, Jesus is THE WAY and THE LIFE, but you will...

Sep 3, 2021

Every temptation of Satan is designed to keep your soul tied to the realm of death.  What you are most conscious of is what you are connected to and what you are connected to is what will flow through you.

Make the decision to be more conscious of Christ in you and move beyond simply having a Christian confession to...